

(Recognized by DCI & Govt. of India)

Conservative dentistry and endodontics deals with prevention and treatment of the diseases and injuries of the hard tissues and the pulp of the tooth and associated periapical lesions along with restoration of those teeth to normal form, function and aesthetics. Treatment for decayed, fractured and discolored teeth will be performed in this department. The department provides both undergraduate and postgraduate training. Admission into masters degree in speciality of Conservative dentistry is limited for 5 postgraduate students per year.
Infrastructure includes sterilization bay, undergraduate clinic, post graduate clinic with minor OT, radiography section, department library, seminar hall, clinical lab and phantom head laboratory (for preclinical training). The department is equipped with latest equipment like dental operating microscope that are required for contemporary treatment. Undergraduate and postgraduate students will have access to adequate patients and clinical material. Adequate faculty members as per Dental Council of India regulations are present in this department.

The department also conducts public awareness programs on special days like Cons-Endo day by conducting screening camps and demonstration of avulsed teeth management. The demonstrative models facilitate better understanding of the treatment procedures by patients. Faculty conduct small group discussions daily for undergraduate students and weekly for post graduate students. Post graduates conduct seminars, journal clubs, case presentations, and scientific research activities. Faculty and students are involved in scientific publications. Various continuing dental education(CDE)programs, workshops, guest lectures, hands-on courses are organized for enhancing the cognitive skills of students and faculty.

Goals of The Department

The primary goal of this department is prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sequelae of dental caries and the other defects of natural teeth. Other goals are to employ techniques and procedures to restore the teeth to full function and desirable aesthetic appearance with as little loss of the healthy tooth structure as possible and periodic recalls as routine practice. Other goals are performing root canal treatments and associated surgical procedures. The treatment provided includes various fillings, root canal treatment, surgical endodontics, endodontic implants, bleaching & management of traumatized teeth.

    Objectives include:
  • Performing specialized, aesthetic procedures.
  • To train undergraduate students to a level competent in the restoration, rehabilitation and maintenance of the dentition.
  • To encourage undergraduate students to undertake independent research and to develop an attitude to practice innovative treatment protocols.
  • To train postgraduate students to a level proficient in the restoration, rehabilitation and maintenance of the dentition.
  • To encourage and promote innovative research and publication.
  • To promote collaboration with various institutions and disciplines.
Specific competencies
  • Competent to diagnose all carious lesions.
  • Competent to perform Class I and Class II cavities and their restoration with amalgam.
  • Restore class V and Class III cavities with glass ionomer cement.
  • Able to diagnose and appropriately treat pulpally involved teeth (pulp capping procedures).
  • Able to perform RCT for anterior teeth.
  • Competent to carry out small composite restorations.
  • Understand the principles of aesthetic dental procedures.

Anupreeta Anwarullah




K. Ravi Kumar


R Ravichandra




Pamidimukkala Sahithi

Senior lecturer




Assistant professor




Associate professor



Nallamilli Lalitha Sri Roja

Assistant professor



Sruthi Kapu

Assistant professor


Name Designation
Anupreeta Anwarullah Professor
K. Ravi Kumar Reader
R Ravichandra Reader
Pamidimukkala Sahithi Senior lecturer
P LAKSHMI LALITHA Associate professor
Nallamilli Lalitha Sri Roja Assistant professor
Sruthi Kapu Assistant professor

Treatment procedure

  • Silver amalgam filling
  • Pin retained restorations
  • Glass ionomer Cement restorations
  • Light Cure GIC / Class V composite restorations
  • Anterior and Posterior Composite restorations
  • Composite veneers
  • Ceramic Veneers
  • Cast alloy / composite/ Ceramic onlays
  • Cast metal and Ceramic Onlays
  • Full Metal Crowns
  • Full metal crown with acrylic facing
  • Metal ceramic full crown
  • All ceramic crowns
  • Zirconium Crown
  • Cast post and core.
  • Prefabricated metal post with composite/Amalgam core
  • Fiber post with composite core.
  • Splinting of fractured teeth
  • Post Endodontic restorations
  • Micro & Macro abrasion
  • Vital and Non-vital teeth bleaching
  • Vital bleach- Night guard bleaching (full mouth)
  • Root canal treatment– Anterior teeth, Premolars, Molars.
  • Anterior - RCT with apexification
  • Regenerative endodontic therapy
  • Apicoectomy with Amalgam/ IRM/ GIC/ Composite retrofill
  • Apicoectomy with MTA retro fill
  • Radisectomy
  • Gingivectomy/Crown lengthening procedures

List of research projects

  • Influence of Obturating techniques on root dentin crack propagation – A Micro-CT assessment – Dr Ch. Praveen Kumar
  • Longevity of posterior composite resin restorations: A randomized controlled clinical study - Dr. Ravichandra and Dr. U Laxman Varma.
  • Evaluation of synergistic effect of amino acids and remineralisation potential of various remineralising agents and artificial carious lesions. - DR.K. RAVIKUMAR (READER)